Freitag, 30. August 2013


Yesterday when I was in Vienna I just couldn't stop myself from purchasing a lot of stuff at Lush. I love the products they have and that the ingredients really ARE natural, unlike most of the ingredients in "natural" products.Most of the time as a customer you either have to really inform yourself about the chemical substances in all the beauty products and then maybe use pages like the "inci finder" - if you really want to know what's in your shampoo. Or you can just accept that your skin and hair will be covered in several layers of silicone and other substances you don't even want to know about.

That's why I like Lush so much - they even translate the list of ingredients into proper language, and you will find that the products really are 99% natural. Recently I read a lot on silicone free hair products and why silicone is so bad for your hair.

When you use those products, a fine layer of silicone will cover each hair and also your scalp. This makes your hair feel silky and smooth. It also protects your hair from driness. This is of yourse nothing to worry about. However, it becomes problematic when you use your silicone products every time. The silicone will not be washed out properly, since it usually takes several times of silicone free hair washing until the hair is clean again. So what you actually do every time you wash your hair, use conditioner or whatsoever, is apply another layer of silicone to the old one, then another one, another one and so on. And under all these layers, your hair will not be able to absorb the nourishing substances through the silicone layers.
It will become dry and damaged, but the silicone layer on top will make it look as if healthy and smooth. The overall appearance of your hair will become worse after some time, the ends will split and break, despite using a lot of hair masks and conditioner. But the worst thing is that also your scalp is not able to breathe and it can become itchy, dandruffy and the worst consequence of all can be hair loss.

A lot of common hair and scalp problems can be derived from the long-term use of silicone containing products.
However, there are different kinds of silicone and not all of them are bad. From time to time, we need those products - for example, silicone is an excellent protector against heat. But then it is advisable to wash out the silicone again and not use these products all the time.

So this was my post on hair, hair, hair and more hair ;) I will keep you updated as soon as I see the first results after using the Lush products.


Dienstag, 20. August 2013

Sziget 2013

Sziget 2013 was just amazing! I had such a good time with all the people I met, and at all the shows and performances I watched. I met so many nice and lovely people who all have a very special, unique sense of style and all the pictures I took were amazing! However, I feel really bad having to tell you all that my phone got stolen on my way back home. All the pictures are gone now because I wasn't able to upload the pics on dropbox in hungary. It's such a shame and I am just soooo sorry :( My suggestion is, that all of you who are interested to be featured on my blog just send me some pictures you took at Sziget festival. I would really love to show how wonderful it was and what amazing people were there, in my opinion this is worth being written about in a blog post ;) So if you are interested, please send me some of your pictures and maybe answer the following questions: 1. Your first name and home country 2. What do you love about Sziget Festival? 3. What was your favourite special moment at Sziget 2013 (or any Sziget if you want)? I would appreciate that very much! It was so nice to meet you guys :)

Montag, 5. August 2013

Shopping at Bershka...

Yesterday at Berhka I found these great bag in two color combinations... I just couldn't resist after a long time of abstinence from shopping.

I usually tend to buy and wear only bags with (adjustable) shoulder straps - somehow these have turned out to be most practical to me. And usually the shoulder straps are pleasing to the eye as well!

The hat is a gift from my mum, but I am still very uncertain when to use it. I would love to wear this whole outfit at and open air concert or festival, but in general I tend to lose hats and other accessoiries all the time. That's why this hat is not going to join me for Sziget festival. What a pity :(

Maybe next time when I go for a walk near my home, I can get used to wearing this hat as sun protection. I guess it also looks great in combination with a nice, flattering summer dress as well!


Ich habe gesündigt und billigst Accessoires erstanden. Aber nach langer Shopping-Abstinenz konnte ich eben nicht anders... :)

Die Tasche hab ich gleich in 2 Farbkombinationen mitgenommen - die bunte ist interessant,  braun passt dafür immer. Ich liebe Taschen mit zusätzlichem Schultergurt, andere nehm ich gar nicht mehr - sie sind so einfach viel praktischer. Und sehen gut aus!

Den Filzhut hab ich von meiner Mama bekommen - ich finde den super, aber wann trägt man sowas? Generell wäre das Outfit eher was fürs Open Air oder für ein Festival. Da ich aber leider so eine bin, die Hüte verliert und ständig abnimmt (weil die stören ja wenn mans nicht gewohnt ist, einen zu tragen) wird der hier leider nicht mitkommen aufs Sziget Festival. Schade eigentlich :(
Vielleicht darf er ja beim nächsten Spaziergang zu Hause mit, als Sonnenschutz - zu einem romantischen Sommerkleid passt so ein Filzhut sicher auch gut!

Shirt, Shorts (Hollister) / Shoes, Bag (Bershka)